What is Computer ?

Hello children ! Make this Picture 

 Do you know what is this?
This is a computer. it is machine 


Machine are things made by man. They make our work easy . They also save our time. Some machines need electricity to work and some do not. We use many machines in our daily life.

How is a computer different from other machine 

The other machine can only do the work for which they have been made but computer can do many different type of works for example we must have seen a bicycle it is a machine.
A computer can do a lot of things at the same time for example we can draw a picture and listen to song at the same time in a computer. 

can bicycle do that ??

What is computer

Do you know why a computer is called a magical machine? it is because it's make our work easier and faster.
A computer cannot work on it's own. it's need needs instructions to perform a task
A computer is an electronics machines which is used to stored data , manipulation of data , and processing of data.

Features of a computer 

  1. computer work very fast and they do not make mistake.
  2. computer can search information
  3. computer can do different type of work at same time.
  4. computer never get tired and bored. they can work non stop for many hours.
  5.  computer can store large amount of data. 

Functions of computer computer 

  1. we can type letter word sentence numbers and message on a computer.
  2. computer can calculate difficult sums were quickly.
  3. we can draw and colour image on a computer.
  4. you can play lot of games on a computer like chess, boxing, cricket, car racing and many more.
  5. You can watch cartoon and movie on a computer.
  6. You can play songs, rhymes and other different sound on a computer.

Computer are used at different place for different kind of work. where computer use homes, office, bank, railway stations, airport and many other places.
  • At home we can watch movie listen to music and play game
  • At Hospitals computer to make medical report, computer are also used for controlling machines in hospitals while performing surgery.
  • At Shops for storing the details of item which the shopkeeper sales.
  • At railway station and airport for booking tickets and giving information about arrival and departure of the trains and airplanes.

What computer cannot do

Computer cannot
  • Think 
  • Dance 
  • Sing 
  • Walk
  • Swing
  • Hear and speak

The computer was first developed by the Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer.

Type of computers

We get computers in many shapes and sizes. 

Desktop computer :- Desktop computer it is a big in size it is generally kept on the desk.

Laptop computer:-  this is a laptop computer small in size it can be kept on your lap. laptop computer can be carried around easily.


Tablet :- Tablet is smaller than a laptop and bigger than smartphone and has touch screen.
